The Final Plan is here!

The Final Version of the Plan is here!

The Rame Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan (NDP) has been through the
independent examination process. 

Here’s the final version:

Final Rame Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan

More information can be found on the Cornwall Council website

You can also view the ‘Plan Proposal Decision – Post Examination Report and Referendum’ on the Cornwall Council website.

What happens next?

A referendum will be held.  Look out for notices, Parish website and social media updates for when and where the ‘vote’ will take place.


Previous updates …

The Rame Peninsula Draft Neighbourhood Plan is out for a statutory 6 week
consultation period commencing 19th November 2015.

Click here to view the Rame Peninsula Draft Pre Submission Consultation Plan.

Click to view the Cornwall Council website to view previous draft Rame Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan reports  and check out the  policies which have been designed to positively influence future planning
decisions within our area.

Residents have the opportunity during this consultation period to voice their
comments on the Draft Plan before it goes to Cornwall Council and then to an
independent examiner for validation and approval.

Printed copies of the draft are held with the Parish Clerks and are available in easily accessible locations throughout the Parishes for viewing.

How did we get from the Emerging Policy Themes to this final draft?

The Journey so far …



In 2011 the five parishes agreed to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Discussions were held with Cornwall Council and enhanced support was made available.


A project plan

In 2012 an initial project plan and Terms of Reference were agreed and parish councils held meetings to raise awareness amongst parishioners.

Sub groups were formed, and training undertaken.

Cornwall Council formally confirmed that the Cluster (five parishes) would be
supported as front-runner for the Rame Peninsula NDP.

St John PC undertook an initial awareness survey, with results of questionnaires fed into the consultation documents online database.

NDP registration and initial awareness

Later in 2012 the boundary of the NDP was registered.

Awareness and initial consultation was carried out across all five parishes.

Antony PC undertook a parish survey of opinion, and Millbrook undertook a
consultation event with landowners and businesses.

Meetings were held between parishes and key landowners.


Further consultations

In 2013 further consultations were arranged including a Millbrook community groups event.

The Cluster reviewed other available parish consultation data, including
Transportation Survey, Sheviock LDO community consultation, parish plans and updates.

A review was undertaken of strategic documents.

Collating evidence

Evidence and research continued to be collated on the online database.

Housing Needs Surveys were conducted by Cornwall Council and the results
presented to the Cluster.

Awareness continued to be raised and the Cluster prepared community events across all parishes.



In 2014 community events were held in all the village halls.

These comprised presentations and public discussion around key issues, of
housing, economy, transport and environment.

Public involvement was encouraged through the provision of maps for gathering opinions on developments, and questionnaires were again made available.

A new survey

Following these events the Cluster designed a new survey focused on the now emerging issues.

This survey was produced and carried out by The Peninsula Trust, when 1700 questionnaires were distributed to households, and at a range of events and venues (youth housing project, schools, stalls at local events, cream teas), as well as via social media.

A website

During 2014 the Rame Peninsula website was launched.

This would provide clearer, more attractive and focused news on the progress of the NDP.

A video

Alongside this, a short film was made asking local people what they would like to see for the peninsula over the next twenty years, and this was made available on the website and YouTube, and also shown at local events and presentations.

Over 600 people attended the Institute in Kingsand for the screening of “Mr Turner” at which the local film was also shown.

Key issues emerged

By now the key issues were becoming clear enough for draft policies to be

This policy information exercise helped to identify what evidence existed to
support the policy formation, and from this a new more focused short
questionnaire was prepared, based upon 18 emerging policy areas, to ascertain whether the community would support the inclusion of a policy to address each of these areas.

Spreading the word

In October 2014 the questionnaire was publicised using posters, social media, email bulletins, websites and a specially created YouTube video clip.

Residents were able to take part in the consultation either at one of 14 public meetings across the parishes or via online facility.

The emerging themes were made available, together with maps and photographs on the website.

More clarification

Following the collation of these survey results it was clear that further clarification of parishioners’ views were needed in certain themes where less than 80% positive response had been received.

One such policy, relating to the percentage of affordable homes necessitated
further consultation and a questionnaire was issued in December to clarify this point.

The result of this indicated that the Cornwall Council policy of a 70/30% split
between affordable/open market was preferred to 100% affordable homes. This draft policy was therefore dropped.

A further policy relating to adjustment to the Whitsand Bay Article 4 restrictions was also dropped as this had marginal support only.

The policy relating to St John was adjusted to better define the preference for
development on the eastern edge of the village.

Also after further discussion with Cornwall Council it was decided to delete the draft policy relating to AONBs as it was considered that these were covered
adequately in the emerging Local Plan.


Draft policies were presented

In February 2015 the remaining draft policies were presented at evening meetings in all parish halls.

These were hosted by the CC councilor George Trubody and they enabled the public to ask more questions and come forward with further suggestions.


Based on the feedback from these events, a new area wide policy was added (General Development (Visual Impact, Design and Biodiversity).

After further discussions with Cornwall Council the policy relating to Sheviock parish was amended in order to delete references to previous village boundaries.

Final adjustments

In the summer of 2015 further changes to the wording of some of the policies were made following an audit undertaken by external planning consultants. Also the policy relating to flood risk management was deleted as it was found to be covered by regulations elsewhere.

15 policies remain

The remaining fifteen policies in the RAME PENINSULA DRAFT NDP (09.11.15) will be taken through to final Stakeholder Consultation, and hopefully become policy following a Referendum.

Your vote is important!

voteIf more than 51% of residents who turn up to vote, vote “Yes”, that they agree with the NDP, the NDP will be legally adopted by
Cornwall Council and become a working document for future land development on the Rame Peninsula.

We anticipate the vote will take place in the first half of 2016.

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